Hey, my name is Julie, aka the Paleo Investigator. 10 years ago, I hit a breaking point. I didn’t like how I looked and felt and knew I needed to make some big changes. I always felt tired, with a bad mood. But I was super busy, and thought I didn’t have time to prepare healthy meals. My husband and I would grab fast food in the car, and eat frozen entrees for dinner. We had every processed snack in our pantry that you could imagine...
I knew I wanted to make a change, so I decided to pick a diet and track how it went. I settled on Paleo, because of the emphasis on raw fruits and vegetables. This meant that I could still follow my diet without needing to do a lot of time-intensive prepping. I researched studies and recipes, and compared how that lined up with my own experience...and the Paleo Investigator was born!
Since then, I have moved away from the strict Paleo Diet. I still focus on foods like lean meats and raw fruits and vegetables, but bread isn’t the boogeyman it’s made out to be! So now I research and test different diets and health trends, and share my thoughts. Thankfully my husband, Rob, is a good sport, and came along for the ride! Our site has grown and grown, and we now work together to help you become healthier and feel better :)!