I started The Paleo Investigator 10 years ago because my husband, Rob, and I had a hard time finding a simple, healthy lifestyle we could both follow.

We often ended up trading healthy choices for convenience because our lives are busy and we didn't have the time to spend hours on research and meal prep.

The Paleo Investigator was born to show you that healthy living is possible, even when your life is demanding and busy. 

I do a lot of research and test different diets and health trends, so you can find what works for you! 


When it comes to our overall health and wellness, our gut plays a vital role.  A healthy gut not only aids digestion

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Constantly dealing with phlegm? Antihistamines might just be your secret weapon!  In this blog post, we’ll dive into the science behind antihistamines

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Understanding the effects of toxins on your body is crucial to promoting overall health and wellness. In this blog post, we’ll dive

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Fasting has been practiced for centuries as a means of achieving physical and spiritual renewal. In recent years, it has gained significant

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When it comes to matters of the heart, there’s one mineral that often gets overlooked—magnesium.  While it may not be in the

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Are migraine headaches ruining your day? We feel your pain, literally. Migraines can be absolutely debilitating! There are natural solutions that actually

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